At Clever Energy Heating we use only the industry’s leading manufacturers and suppliers

Highly efficient, MCS approved Grant Aerona delivers exceptional performance, reliability and value

Why choose a Grant air source heat pump?

With outputs of 6kW, 10kW, 13kW and 17kW the inverter driven Aerona³ R32 heat pumps are designed to maintain a reliable and consistent heat output, even at low outdoor air temperatures. What’s more these compact and efficient units have an impressive ErP rating of A+++ across the range.

  • R32 refrigerant- lower global warming potential
  • Single phase and DC inverter driven
  • Quiet mark awarded
  • Featuring weather compensation function

The perfect all in one system


Aerona³ R32 Air Source Heat Pump Range

The Aerona³ R32 inverter driven air source heat pumps are Grant’s greenest and most efficient heat pumps yet.

Incorporating R32 refrigerant which has a significantly lower Global Warming Potential compared to traditional refrigerants, the Aerona³ R32 range models are cleaner and more eco-friendly while also being incredibly effective. With excellent SCOPs, all of the Aerona³ heat pumps achieve high performances allowing homeowners to lower their dependency on fossil fuels while also reducing their annual fuel bills.


Headline features and benefits of the Grant Aerona³ R32

  • Integrated HE pump through to the simplified electrics, designed to save installers time when onsite fitting the heat pump, reducing the installation time for engineers and efficiently restoring a property’s heating for homeowners.
  • Available in outputs of 6kW, 10kW, 13kW and 17kW
  • Provides both heating and hot water for properties
  • Each unit operates at high efficiencies even when the external temperatures are low, making for a cost-effective renewable alternative to traditional off-gas heating methods
  • Monobloc in design, the Aerona³ R32 is suitable for use with S-Plan heating control systems and is simple to work with for installation and maintenance.
  • The Aerona³ R32 models have a compact footprint and operate with low noise levels. They therefore have minimal impact on their surrounds both aesthetically and acoustically, something which is of great benefit to end-users. Quiet mark awarded (HPID13R32, HPID17R32)
  • In-built weather compensation and base tray heating element