Just like your boiler, it’s important to make sure your solar and battery storage system is regularly inspected and checked. We now provide annual servicing cover.

Solar panel and battery cover for just £25 per month. Peace of mind from Clever Solar.


Solar panel and battery storage cover

Tighten ML4 connectors

Inverter and isolator inspection

System diagnostics

Internal inspection and assessment of battery storage unit

Electrical inspection and wiring report

Solar panel, battery storage servicing.

This service is a full system diagnosis check and inspection of your solar panel and battery. Included is report on the system efficiency.

Items not covered are household appliances and faults within your boiler.

Easy Direct Debit £25 per month

or one off payment £300 per annum

What do I do first?

It’s easy, simply fill in the initial details below and send to the Service Plan team at Clever Energy Boilers. Please make sure you read our terms and conditions. These can be viewed from the link in the right hand menu, along with the policy summary.

    What do I do next?

    Once you have successfully completed our service plan application and agreed to our terms and conditions, one of the team at Clever Energy Boilers will contact you to confirm your details. You can now pay for your policy by Direct Debit online via our secure payment portal. One off payment option also available.

    Have any questions, then please get in touch with the Clever Care team on 0330 055 2210

    Service plan eligibilty...

    • This cover is for homeowners only
    • The property must be your permanent private residence and owned and solely occupied by you and your family with no business use
    • Mobile homes, bedsits, sub-divided homes and let and sub-let properties are not covered.

    Cancelling your policy

    Clever Energy Boilers will give you a full refund of your Clever Care if you cancel within 14 days unless you have made a claim. The 14 days begins from the start date, or from the date you receive the policy documents if this is later. This is called your cooling off period.

    If you cancel after your cooling off period and you pay monthly by Direct Debit your cover will continue to the end of the period your last payment is for. If you pay by annual Direct Debit, your cover will continue to the end of the month in which you tell us and we’ll refund you the remaining amount.

    Important information

    At Clever Energy Boilers we provide cover for all types of boilers. If we did not install your boiler we will need to undertake a site visit inspection and carry out a boiler service. If subject to this inspection we cannot cover your appliance you will be given a full refund minus the cost to service the boiler.